NEW – Share Songs and Videos in Chatrooms

Stream videos and music directly into chat rooms

We’re excited to announce a new feature that brings content right into your chatroom. Introducing MediaPal. MediaPal allows you to search and broadcast any YouTube video or SoundCloud song into the room you’re in, all in Paltalk. It’s a great way to share a viral video you just found or a great song that you’ve had on repeat. Try MediaPal today, now available on the latest version of Paltalk.

How does MediaPal work?


  1. Click the MediaPal button src=”/f/blog-images/mediapal_btn.png” height=”20″ style=” padding: 0 !important; ” /> located in the toolbar of any chatroom to start MediaPal.
  2. Search for Videos, Music, Genres, and TV Shows in YouTube or SoundCloud.
  3. Select a video or song to request by clicking the Send Request button . An admin will have the option to “Approve” or “Deny” your request.
  4. Voila! After an Admin accepts your request, the song or video will be added to the Room Playlist and the video will pop up on everyone’s screen



Q: Is MediaPal free?
A: Yes, MediaPal is 100% free and available for all Paltalk members. However, it is only available to members on the latest version of Paltalk.

Q: Do soundcard settings need to be adjusted?
A: No. MediaPal eliminates the need to adjust any soundcard settings within your PC Control Panel.

Q: Can I use the mic while MediaPal is streaming?
A: Yes, members can use the mic as usual and MediaPal will continue to play simultaneously.

Q: How will I know if my request has been accepted (non-admins only)?
A: After you’ve clicked the MediaPal Button, you will see a tab that is labeled “My Requests.” Open the tab to see the status of your requests.

Q: As an Admin, how do I accept/reject a request?
A: When there are requests pending, a red circle will appear above the MediaPal button in your chat room. The number within the circle reveals how many pending requests there are. To accept or reject, click the MediaPal button then expand the “Requests” tab.

Q: Which Paltalk platforms can I use MediaPal on?
A: Paltalk Messenger for Windows (Version 11.3) is currently the only version which supports MediaPal. Users on past versions of Paltalk Messenger for Windows or other platforms (Paltalk Express, iOS, Android) will receive an Alert when MediaPal is initiated. These members will be provided with instructions on how to install the latest Windows-based build.

Q: How do I save the Room Playlist?
A: The Room Playlist is automatically saved and then associated to the respective room.

Q: Can I turn off MediaPal?
A: Yes, you can simply close out the MediaPal window by clicking the X in the upper right corner. You can also change the volume on MediaPal only by using the volume controller . This will not change the other volume settings in your chatroom.