Chat room admin menu

note:  only those users who join the room as 'admin' will see this menu

remove all hands
resets all of the hands that are up in the chat room

This is handy if you want to take control of the microphone, and at the same time let the room know that the allotted time for discussion is completed. It is also handy if you are taking votes by 'show of hands'.

When the voting is complete you can remove all hands

remove all mics
'red dots' all users

Removes the ability of users in the chat room to speak. When you use this feature, 'red dots' will appear next to the nicknames of all users in the room.

Users who enter the room will also have a 'red dot' and will not be able to speak.

You may allow speaking privileges to individual users who are 'red dotted' by right clicking on the users nickname and selecting 'give mic back' from the menu that appears.

You may also use this fucntion to remove the mics from all users if you wish to leave your room unattended for an extended period of time.  This will allow you to leave your room open so that your web site can pop up to users as they enter.

give mics to all
restores all users ability to speak in a chat room

Users who enter your room will be able to speak at will

admin console
launches the chat room 'admin console'


Chat room menus Red dot
Chat room controls Bouncing users